Sunday 11 February 2007

Today's long run

Think I need to do long runs with someone as I just start realising how much my body hurts!!!

First 2 miles - bits that hurt last week after t*sser sold me the wrong shoes hurt, but after 2 miles were fine...

Then was okay until around 5 miles... when hamstring was VERY tight whenever i came to a hill... felt like I was running with a straight non bending left leg...not painful, just stiff... so had to walk...

Then second toe of right foot started hurting... anybody got any hints on how to stop a toe that is longer then your bigger toe bruising as it bends?that was okay on and off...

Nearly omitted the "loop the loop" of the village and went home.. but stuck it out and did 10.11 in 1:50...So even with the walking bits it was quicker than I've ran 10miles before!!

Very weird!!!

and it's SOOOOO windy again today....

just feels like a cr&p run..... :o(

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